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Flamenco Fire | Renata Domagalska ~ Expressive Figurative painter

Todd Williams | American Impressionist painter

Todd A. Williams was born in the small farming community of Central City, Nebraska. Since his childhood he has been aware of the natural beauty of the world around him, an awareness that he continues to cultivate today through the art of painting. Todd's influences have been many, ranging from Barbizon tonalism to Sorolla's impressionistic sea of color. The one constant in his life are his heroes: Nicolai Fechin, Joaquin Sorolla and Anders Zorn. Todd recognizes the importance of being technically proficient in his craft and keeping in touch with others who share similar concerns.

Todd A. Williams | American Impressionist painter
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Nelina Trubach-Moshnikova [Трубач-Мошникова Ивановна]

London at Night | Alvis Zemzaris, 1961

Alvis Zemzaris, Latvian painter and interior designer, was born in Jurmala, Latvia.1975-1980 attends J. Rozentals School of Arts in Riga. 1980-1986 - University of Latvia Faculty of History and Philosophy. Graduation paper in Sociology of Arts. Participates in professional art exhibitions since 1982. 1980 Member of the Association of Young Artists. 1986 The first interior design project that soon is followed by many more. 1997 Member of the Latvian Artists Union. 2002 Member of the Latvian Designers Union.
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Georges Armand | Canadian Fashion painter

Originally from Canada, Georges Armand, Canadian painter, is the youngest of a family of 6 children with artistic talent. Of self-educated nature, he showed from an early age a fascination for the universe of the visual arts. His adolescent interests were aimed at experimenting different artistic techniques and several art categories. Today, in addition to evoking an obvious care in the fluidity of its feature, it is with an ease that the artist transposes us in his own universe. It is by a fusion between the blend of the textures and lights, emphasized by a contrast wished, that Georges Armand puts the characters of his works in dramatic and aesthetic scenes within a contemporary urban atmosphere.
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Shoes sculpture | Gwen Murphy ~ American Wooden sculptress

Gwen Murphy, American sculptor, is a brilliant artist who breathes new life into old shoes, by transforming them from fashion accessories into intriguing works of art. Ever since she was a little girl, Gwen liked to look at shoes and found that they were staring back at her, each pair with its own character and personality. Depending on model and how worn out they were, some shoes sometimes looked sleepy, other times grouchy or fierce, some even looked like they were singing. Young Gwen perceived them as a species of beings made entirely from pairs of identical twins, and the fascination with shoes stayed with her all the way through adulthood. Now, she collects pairs of worn out shoes and tries to bring out their personality, by literally giving them a face. She makes use of ash clay and acrylic paint to create bugged-out eyes, long faces and pouting lips, and gives each pair a unique face that expresses its unique character. Indian slippers have an exotic look, wooden shoes look blissful and primitive, while high heel shoes have somewhat of an arrogant look.

Gwen Murphy | Shoe in Sculptures
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Marius Markowski | Swiss Digital painter

Marius Markowski, Swiss painter, was born in Switzerland and makes digital paintings which look like they have been made with oil or acrylic paint.
My artistic effort in digital painting was founded its origin in the oil painting, where I was passionately focusing my energy for several years. One day I had the idea to prepare an image on the computer in order to have more liberty in the development process. I experimented with these new tools and so discovered my enthusiasm for digital painting.
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Robert McGinnis 1926 | American illustrator

Robert McGinnis is an American painter and illustrator. The member of the Society of Illustrators Hall of Fame Robert McGinnis was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1926. He studied fine art at Ohio State University. McGinnis apprenticed at Walt Disney Studios for some time. In 1958, he started working for Dell Publishing drawing paperback covers for books.
McGinnis created illustrations of over 1200 paperback book covers, over 40 movie posters including a few James Bond films. “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” was his first film poster assignment. McGinnis is the subject of a documentary film, Robert McGinnis: Painting the Last Rose of Summer, by Paul Jilbert.
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Evita Medina

Elinor Evita Medina è una pittrice Spagnola, conosciuta per lo stile Figurativo dei suoi quadri. Le figure realistiche della Medina hanno un contenuto simbolico. I suoi dipinti ad olio portano i ricordi all'Arte dei Pre-Raffaelliti, ma in un modo molto personale. Contemplando la sua opera evocativa in modo simbolico, piena di magia e fantasia, nei suoi quadri vengono rilevati tocchi squisiti della storia della pittura del Rinascimento, Neoclassicismo, Art Nouveau e Pre-Raffaellita, il simbolismo, il surrealismo. Attualmente la Medina vive e lavora in Palma di Maiorca, Baleari, Spagna.
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The Postcard Age | Retrò Pop-art style

Il Retrò [retrospettivo] è uno stile culturale che tende a dar rilievo a ciò che richiama le mode passate ed incentiva all'utilizzo di tutto ciò che attualmente è definito "d'epoca".
Lo stile che ora si chiama "Arte Retrò" è un genere di Pop Art sviluppata fra gli anni quaranta e cinquanta, in risposta al bisogno di una grafica audace ed accattivante, che fosse facile da riprodurre con dei torchi semplici. Ben distinguibile dallo stile moderno computerizzato, l'arte Retrò ha avuto un ritorno di popolarità grazie alle citazioni e parodie delle vecchie opere Pop Art.
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Roma Nun Fa`La Stupida Stasera..

Si è spento il 28 febbraio 2013 a Roma, a 95 anni, il maestro Armando Trovajoli, pianista, compositore e direttore d'orchestra italiano, autore di brani celebri come "Roma nun fa la stupida stasera" e delle colonne sonore di oltre 300 film. Nella sua lunghissima carriera di musicista ha suonato con i più qualificati jazzisti del mondo da Duke Ellington a Louis Armstrong e poi Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Stephan Grappelli, Django Reinhardt. Poi, accanto al jazz, si è dedicato al cinema e alla commedia musicale grazie alla lunga collaborazione con Garinei e Giovannini. Tra le sue canzoni più celebri anche “Aggiungi un posto a tavola”.
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Sara Moon | Iranian Fashion painter

Bijan Djamalzadeh, Iranian painter, known for his art works signed as “Sara Moon”, was born in Teheran and left his home county to study medicine in Germany at the request of his father. He returned to his home country with his new-found skills but his love of art was not to be denied, and in 1974 he returned to Germany to paint, signing his work "Sara Moon".
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Alexei Antonov 1957 | Russian/american Stil lifes painter

Алексей Антонов: "I was born in Russia in 1957, and I've been trying both hands (I'm ambidextrous) at art ever since. I can remember my self from the age of two, and when I was three, I was the terror of my mother's make-up kit, as I loved to draw murals on the wallpaper with her lipstick. All through my childhood I continued drawing, and in high school, though I left much to be desired in my other classes, I excelled in art and singing. I think that I was not a good student in other areas, because I prefer to teach than to be taught. Eventually though, I learned to learn. In 1972 I entered the State Art College in Baku, where impressionistic, realistic, and abstract painting were taught...but no classical.
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Sogno Surrealista | Jacek Yerka, 1952

Jacek Yerka, pittore surrealistaPolacco, nato a Torun in Polonia, vive e lavora con la sua famiglia, in un enclave rurale della sua nativa Polonia. Inizia con lo studiare Storia dell'Arte e segue corsi di grafica, poi si dedica alla pittura nel 1980. Dipinge (dapprima solo su tela con olio e acrilico) con meticoloso realismo stile fiammingo. Nei suoi lavori s'intravvede la pastorale atmosfera della campagna polacca, che però fa da base non strutturale, difatti la magia sognante di Yerka s'ispira ai pittori e personaggi del 15°-16° secolo: Cagliostro. Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Hugo van der Goes e Jan van Eyck ed anche il moderno Magritte: una magia che in lui è fatta di cultura, grande immaginazione e simbolismo.
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Alexei Antonov [Алексей Антонов]

Alexei Antonov [Алексей Антонов] is a Russian-born American painter who is fascinated by the classical painting. Classical realism is a creative process of the piece of art with the precise following of the rules and requirements which have been created during Renaissance Epoch and polished up later by the greatest artists from generation to generation.
Alexei Antonov desires to revive and expand the techniques of great Renaissance masters and spearhead a new artistic Renaissance in the modern era. He has created a colossal array of still life paintings, which are filled with vibrant color and ornate, luxurious detail.
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Anne-Louis Girodet | French Neoclassical painter

Anne-Louis Girodet [Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy-Trioson 1767-1824] is a French painter whose works exemplify the first phase of Romanticism in French art.
Girodet began to study drawing in 1773. He later became a student of the Neoclassical architect Étienne-Louis Boullée, with whose encouragement he joined the studio of Jacques-Louis David in late 1783 or early 1784. Girodet won the Prix de Rome 1789 for his Joseph Recognized by His Brothers, which shows the influence of David’s Neoclassicism.
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Anna Lea Merritt | American Pre-Raphaelite painter

Anna Lea Merritt [1844-1930] American painter, was born in Philadelphia, the daughter of Joseph Lea a manufacturer. She studied art in Italy, Germany and Paris, ultimately settling England in the late 1860s. She married Henry Merrit, artist, and critic, who was twenty two years her senior. Tragically he died three months after the wedding. Anna Merritt edited a selection of her husband’s writings for publication. She built up a thriving practice as a portrait painter, in which artistic sphere she was highly talented, her picture of two little sisters, Jacqueline and Isura Loraine, for example is highly accomplished. In later years she often wintered in Egypt. She lived in Hampshire.
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Blind Love | Kathrin Longhurst, 1971

Kathrin Longhurst, German-born Australian painter, known for working in the Figurative and Hyperrealist style. Grew up in Communist East Germany where she started taking life drawing classes at age 14. Her work is strongly influenced by Socialist Realism and communist propaganda art. Kathrin spent a decade in Scandinavia visiting galleries in Denmark and Sweden as well as a year in Belgium where her work gained its Art Nouveau influences. She travelled extensively through Europe, Asia and America. Kathrin’s work reflects her diverse cultural background, having lived in many European countries and finally settled in Australia in 2000.
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Petrus Christus | Scuola dei Primitivi Fiamminghi


Petrus Christus, 1410 circa-1475 circa, è stato un pittore Fiammingo. Appartenne alla cosiddetta "seconda generazione" del periodo dei Primitivi Fiamminghi, dopo la prima dei fondatori Jan van Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden e Robert Campin.
- Il periodo dei Primitivi Fiamminghiè quella fase della pittura nelle Fiandre legata alla nascita della sua straordinaria scuola, la più importante, con quella italiana, nel panorama delle arti figurative europee del Quattrocento. Questa scuola normalmente dipingeva quadri a tematica religiosa e intensi ritratti. Utilizzando la tecnica dell'olio, otteneva uno stile minuto, eccelso nella riproduzione di oggetti, nello spiccato naturalismo e nella resa del paesaggio in profondità spaziale.

Lo stile del Christus prese le mosse dal realismo minuto di Van Eyck, concentrandosi poi soprattutto sulla resa dello spazio, fino ad adottare una costruzione prospettica razionale con un unico punto di fuga, primo fra i pittori nordici. Forse seguì l'esempio di pittori italiani, tra i quali si ipotizza una conoscenza diretta con Antonello da Messina. Dopo la metà del secolo, sull'esempio di Van Der Weyden, le sue opere assumono un tono monumentale, ma importante resta anche la produzione di ritratti, che spiccano per l'intimo realismo e la resa psicologica.
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Unforgettable Paris | Alexander Bolotov [Александр Болотов]

Alexander Bolotov [Александр Болотов] Ukrainian painter, was born and raised in the city of Donetsk, Ukraine. He graduated from art school in Donetsk. Engaged in drawing from a young age. Considers it his calling class, work, and at the same time and rest. He is currently a freelance artist. Works in all genres, but the most interesting are the landscapes. Artist says: "I get great pleasure from the creative and happy to give it to people".
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